What We Do

We signed an agreement with the Mayor and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), this details our broad remit, you can see the one page summary here.

Our ambition is to influence policy, culture, and operational practices in order to remove disabling barriers and make real the full rights of disabled people. We seek to do this at the highest level and in the earliest stage of strategic policy making. We operate form the perspective of the Social Model of Disability and the Seven Needs of Independent Living.

Originally we met each month in a different district and since the Covid lockdown we meet online weekly every Tuesday at 2pm, with a larger meeting on the last Tuesday of every month. At the meetings we bring forth issues the member organisations have identified, agreed, and prioritised for work. We invite key policy and decision makers in GM and beyond in the appropriate fields to gather information, expertise, and build relationships, so that we can make the best interventions to influence change for the better.